14 Weeks of “Real Food” Mini-Pledges
The first week challenge is to eat a minimum of two different
fruits or vegetables (preferably organic) with every breakfast, lunch, and
dinner meal.
So who would have thought that adding two vegetables or fruits to each meal
would be so hard...
Like at least half of the population, I've jumped in to something without
preparing for it and now I find myself scrambling to think of what I am going to
have for breakfast. Not so much what I'm going to have for breakfast
as much as how to add the two fruits or vegetables to it!
Somehow I don't think that the 3 year old box of strawberry oatmeal on the
shelf qualifies as a fruit, I'm not sure what those little bits of pink in the
mix are, but they don't resemble anything like a strawberry. For me, breakfast
is often a piece of toast with peanut butter smeared on it. Sometimes if I am
feeling a little rebellious I'll have a bowl of sugar coated puffed wheat. Most
days I have to admit that breakfast begins and ends with a cup of coffee, you
would think that adding a fruit or vegetable to that would be a walk in the park
- which may be true, if you are prepared for it!
My first day out it looks like I am adding a banana and a little watery
packet of diced pears to my cup of coffee. Much more than I would normally eat,
but better than the toast or cereal that I might munch if I were not trying to
add the fruits or vegetables.
From a normal persons point of view, I can see how this type of challenge
can help raise awareness of the things that should be in each and every diet.
I'm not a big fast food eater, we don't eat a lot of processed foods so I
thought this would be a slam dunk - but the simple act of trying to add
something that is out of my normal range turns out to be a bigger challenge than
I thought it would. I may do fine the rest of the day, our dinners always
include at least one and most times two vegetables, I may have to take a little
more care with lunch, but it too is something that I could easily add fruits or
vegetables to. I feel sorry for those who might normally eat lunch on the go,
driving through a fast food line - how hard is it going to be to find a fruit or
vegetable to add to that? Are you going to count the lettuce on the burger as
the vegetable? Or the slice of tomato? And if you do count it, is it
cheating? Or will you go out of your way to make a better choice so you can get
that fruit or vegetable added?
I think I am defiantly going to be adding more fruit and fresh vegetables
to my shopping list today because if nothing else, there will be a pineapple,
banana, and kale yogurt smoothie for breakfast tomorrow! It may take a little
extra thought, and a little extra effort - but I can do this. How about
Hi, I wanted to know if your fruits and vegetables are non-GMO and Organic?